USPTO Enforcement Increases as Trademark Fraud from China Rises
Business people and IP lawyers should be aware as new reports from Bloomberg Law reveal the importance of taking great care when filing trademark and patent applications. THREE Key Steps for Counsel: VERIFY APPLICANT USE Complete due diligence on foreign trademark applications to ensure validity of mark and that it is in use. Ensure it is […]
Can Your Private Information Be Sold?
The existing privacy laws established throughout the globe are creating challenges for companies to sell information collected to 3rd parties, but how do they affect sales for direct sales companies? The main challenges in these situations would be to figure out what is considered compliant with the new regulations and how the client can find new […]
Registering A Trademark On The Supplemental Register of the USPTO
Did you know that there is a principal and supplemental registry where you can register your trademark? Registration on the Principal Register affords all rights and responsibilities available to trademark owners. However, there may be a time when an applicant may not be able to register on the Principal Register and the only option is […]
The Play-Doh Scent is Now Trademarked, and Five More Trademark Facts that Will Surprise You
Play-Doh recently received approval for its trademark on the Play-Doh scent, a distinctive smell that brings back childhood memories for many of us. If any competitors produce a modeling clay that smells too much like Play-Doh, they could be putting themselves at risk for a lawsuit. That scent now has the full protection of the […]
Businesses Should Be On Guard for Phishing Scams
These scams are generally worded in such a way as to induce panic in the recipient. They often tell the addressee that there has been fraudulent activity on their account or they may lose something such as their account if they don’t immediately respond. Another indication of email phishing would be the poor grammar and […]
FBI vs. Apple
As the accuracy and precision of technology improves, tech companies struggle to answer unavoidable and complex questions. Whether they want to or not, companies face the challenge to find a balance between the privacy rights of individual users and the national security interest of the entire public. This is most clearly demonstrated in the current […]
What is a Dual Representation Agreement with a Lawyer and When is it Used?
Deciding when to invest in an attorney is an important decision. Frequently, people hope to save money and have one attorney or agent represent the interests of both individuals on either side of a dispute. However, in order to do so the attorney must comply with strict disclosure rules for the state in which […]
Options If Your Company has had a Trade Secret or Confidentiality Breached.
In the world of business today, protecting confidential information and trade secrets is an important part of conducting business. Business owners should be sure to have a detailed and carefully drafted agreement in place for all employees and vendors with whom their company conducts business. An agreement that will withstand legal scrutiny in litigation or […]
What Is the Technology Evolution Pilot Program and How Will It Benefit Your Trademark?
With technological advancement, comes the increased need for new rules and regulations regarding trademarks. On September 1, 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USTPO) began implementing a pilot program called The Technology Evolution Pilot Program. This program makes it possible for trademark owners to expand the trademark registrations of their goods and services. […]
Obtaining a Trademark, Logo, or Brand Registration in India.
Trademark Registration In India There are several opportunities for companies in India today. The country of India has a large nucleus of business that provides a wide assortment of services and products to the international marketplace. When it comes to intellectual property, such as trademarks, logos, and brand recognition in India, there is a specific […]